Virtual Motherhood Photo Sessions

I’m on a huge mission to help mums exist in more natural and unposed photos with their kids. I’m also on a mission to send real life lasting black and white photographic prints into hundreds of homes every year!

This is for you if…

You are a mum who wants to exist in real, unposed and beautiful photos with your child or children, without having any fuss or stress.

How a virtual session works…

Virtual sessions are awesome. There’s no stress of having to get up and dressed, leave the house. travel, find a studio, find parking outside the studio. There’s no posing awkwardly and no forced smiles. There’s no worries about if your child chooses to behave or will smile for the camera.

With these sessions, you stay at home (I do too) and your child can be 100% comfortable and be themselves in their own environment.

You don’t have to leave the house or have someone come to your house in person! It all works through a dedicated virtual photo shoot app and a phone call. During the call I capture moments of you and your child or children using the camera on your own mobile phone camera.

All while I stay at my home, sit at my desk, sip tea and chat to you to guide you on where to place the phone! It’s actually amazing!

These virtual photo sessions are totally free! Yep, FREE and I’ll even send you a print in the post as a thank you!

You will have the opportunity to purchase additional photos if you like but there’s no obligation and no hard sell.

These sessions are very laid back and are all about you spending some real quality time together. They are only 15 minutes long so they don’t take up much of your day either.

To Apply for a free Virtual Session…

Answer a few questions below (it will only take a few mins) and hit the APPLY NOW! button at the bottom…